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To demonstrate the results when these exceptions are thrown, we can implement a class in C# and export it for use by COM clients. The exceptions thrown are those just defined and are not repeated here. The remainder of the C# implementation looks like this: public interface IExceptions { void ThrowStandardException(); void ThrowCustomException(); void ThrowCustomExceptionWithHResult(); } [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] public class DniNetExceptionsObj : IExceptions { public void ThrowStandardException() { throw new ApplicationException(

c# pdf split merge

Splitting PDF File In C# Using iTextSharp - C# Corner
Jan 30, 2017 · In this article, we are going to learn how to split PDF files into multiple PDF files in C#.

c# split pdf

Splitting a PDF based on its content with C#, is this possible ...
So i have a PDF file with multiple pages and they vary, but they need ... Just to edit, this is my C# version of splitting the PDF's using iTextSharp:

Once you re happy that your USB/OBD-II adapter is working as the manufacturer intended, it s time to open it up and locate the major components inside it. The first thing you ll notice is that the ELM327 chip is actually a PIC microcontroller rather than a custom IC. This is an increasingly common approach to circuit design: rather than design and fabricate a whole new IC just for one purpose, it s often simpler and easier to use a general-purpose microcontroller running some custom code to implement the required functionality. This brings the cost of special-purpose chips like the ELM327 way down and has the added bonus of allowing the supplier to revise the chip design when required simply by changing the firmware. No more expensive retooling of a chip fabrication plant just because there s a tiny bug in the design!

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How to Convert PDF to Image (JPG or PNG) In C# - Accusoft
May 3, 2018 · Create a command line program in C# that can convert a PDF document into a series of images, one for each page of the document.

c# pdf split merge

Splitting and Merging PDF Files in C# Using iTextSharp - CodeProject
Rating 4.9 stars (15)

"This is an ApplicationException"); } public void ThrowCustomException() { throw new CustomException("My custom exception message"); } public void ThrowCustomExceptionWithHResult() { throw new CustomExceptionWithHResult( "My custom exception message with HResult"); } } We ve chosen to expose the IExceptions interface to COM instead of using the class interface. The test implementation has three methods: ThrowStandardException throws a standard ApplicationException. ThrowCustomException throws the CustomException shown previously. ThrowCustomExceptionWithHResult throws the version that provides a user-defined HResult. Here is the complete VB.NET implementation of this class along with the exception classes and interface: Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class CustomException Inherits ApplicationException Public Sub New(ByVal msg As String) MyBase.New(msg) End Sub End Class Public Class CustomExceptionWithHResult Inherits ApplicationException Public Sub New(ByVal msg As String) MyBase.New(msg) Me.HResult = &H80040301 End Sub End Class Public Interface IExceptions Sub ThrowStandardException() Sub ThrowCustomException()

Other interesting items in your USB/OBD-II adapter are the LM317 and 7805 voltage regulators and the FTDI chip that provides the USB interface (see Figure 15-7).

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Splitting a PDF in .NET - C# Corner
Apr 13, 2016 · In this article we will learn how to split a PDF in a .NET application using DynamicPDF Merger.

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How to convert "PDF TO IMAGE" in c# ? - C# Corner
Try http://www.iditect.com/tutorial/pdf-to-image/ to convert PDF to any ... pdf files as raster images, and then save the result to any file format.

Sub ThrowCustomExceptionWithHResult() End Interface <ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)> _ Public Class DniNetExceptionsObj Implements IExceptions Public Sub ThrowStandardException() _ Implements IExceptions.ThrowStandardException Throw New ApplicationException( _ "This is an ApplicationException") End Sub Public Sub ThrowCustomException() _ Implements IExceptions.ThrowCustomException Throw New CustomException( _ "My custom exception message") End Sub Public Sub ThrowCustomExceptionWithHResult() _ Implements IExceptions.ThrowCustomExceptionWithHResult Throw New CustomExceptionWithHResult( _ "My custom exception message with HResult") End Sub End Class Here is Visual Basic 6.0 (VB6) client code to test this class. It uses the C# version but could easily execute the VB.NET version instead. To do this, just reference the VB.NET component instead of the C# version and change the full object name to correspond with the VB.NET version: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim comObj As _ New DniNetExceptions.DniNetExceptionsObj On Error Resume Next Call comObj.ThrowStandardException Call ShowError Call comObj.ThrowCustomException Call ShowError Call comObj.ThrowCustomExceptionWithHResult Call ShowError End Sub

She clicks the links for the latest version of each file involved to see color-coded diffs, highlighting just the code that Paige changed If Valerie needs more detail, she can drill into the entire history of any of the source files without leaving the FogBugz interface 7 Satisfied with the code review, Valerie assigns the bug back to Paige with a note that the check-in is approved 8 Paige marks the bug as resolved, and merges the changed code from the Development branch to the Release branch 9 FogBugz assigns the bug back to Karen, who checks to make sure the fix is good and then marks the bug as closed Integration is also useful in the other direction, when you re working with source code control.

Figure 15-7 Inside a typical USB/OBD-II adapter The ELM327 provides a serial nterface on pins 15 through 18 at 5V, so all the USB/OBD-II adapter does is connect the FTDI chip in front of that interface to convert it to USB We don t want to use USB, though, so what we ll do is bypass the FTDI chip and talk directly to the communications port on the ELM327.

Private Sub ShowError() If Err.Number <> 0 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text + _ Hex(Err.Number) + " " + _ Err.Description + _ vbCrLf End If Err.Clear End Sub We use the On Error Resume Next statement since we want to see the results of each of these exceptions. If we didn t do this, the first exception would terminate the program. When we execute this test code, we see these results shown in a TextBox on the form: 80131600 This is an ApplicationException 80131600 My custom exception message 80040301 My custom exception message with HResult

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